In Need of Your Opinion
Which ad below would entice you to click?
Take a look at the ads. And in the “COMMENT” section below, TYPE THE NUMBER of your favorite ad.
Thank you SO much. Your opinion is very much appreciated.



Hello author Rob, this message relates to voting on your book Altered. I voted the highest a 10:on the cover because it is AWESOME! I get lost in that cover! I was seeing one person, then another person and then I saw the brokenness of them both in the picture. Use this cover!! This book is going awe people!
Thanks, Debra! I like it too!!
Thank you!
Ad #1
Number 1
Thanks, Debra!
Number 1
Thank you, Stacey!
I previously voted 2, but have just realised I’ve already read this book and number 1 is far more suited to the story than 2. so if not too late I’ll change my vote to 1 🙂
Vote changed! Thank you!
I like the looks of # 1 the best. I like the quote on # 2 but there’s too much in the picture which doesn’t make the cover of the book stand out. I found # 3 a little too bland.
Thank you, Linda.
Appreciate the input!
I like the picture of # 3, and the wording in #2.
Thanks, Debbie!
I really like # 1. It caught my eye immediately. Good job.
Thanks, Sylvia!
Thanks, Rob!
I like #2 the best; however, #1 looks the most cohesive with the woods on front of the cover.
Thanks, Deanna!
I prefer #1.
Thanks, Kathy!
Maybe #2
Thanks, Linda… I’ll take the “maybe” into consideration. 🙂
I like the ad number 1 the best because it shows the book. Then I like ad 3 next. Same reason, I like the cover of the book embedded in to the ad.
Thanks, Karen.
I’ll be “testing” them, so we’ll see which one performs the best!
Thanks, Barbara!
I prefer ad number 1.
Thanks, Pascal!
#2. It really grabbed my attention. I imagine the book will match the pic.
Thanks, Didi!
The book DOES match the pic… that’s what the reviews say. 🙂
No 1.
Thanks, Karen!
Number 1
Thanks, Karen!!
Thanks, Gretta!
1st choice = #3
2nd choice #1
Thanks, Lori!
No. 2
My pick because it’s something different. Unusual, makes you look for what you might be missing.
Thanks, Hazel!
2 seems to make me want to buy the book.
It looks the most professional also,
Thanks, Jerry!
Number 1 is the creepiest.
Thanks, Linda!
I like # 3 the best.
Thanks, Kay!
like #3 best
Thanks, Terri!
Number 2 is more striking and shows chinos.
Thanks, Lucy.
“Chinos?” – just not sure what that meant and why it’s a good thing. 🙂
Number 1 matches the book cover. That’s the one I like.
Number 2 doesn’t go with the description of the settings in the book. Number 3 would have been better if the book was in front of the person’s chest with the face a hazy, gray area.
Whichever one you use, the book was an awesome read.
Thanks, Lolah.
I appreciate the recommendations – and the call out of the “awesome read”!
My favorite is #3
Thanks, Darcy!
No: 3
Thanks, Maureen!
1 stands out the most for because of the background. I love intense thrillers!
Thanks, Lisa!
#1 I don’t care what anyone (well known or not) has to say about a book
Thanks, Nicki.
That’s good to know.
1 stands out the most for me because of the creepiness; fits the title best
Thank you for this!
I like the strap line on ad 2 but the visuals of ad 3.
Thank you!
#2….I would at least check this out….it got my attention…
Thanks, Dee!
Definitely #2
Thanks, Terry!
AD Number 3
Thanks, Celine!
I like #2
Thanks, Kevin!
No 3, grabs my attention
Thanks, Christine!
Number 1, the background highlights the intense suspence.
Thanks, Cynthia!
Like #1 or #3. I see you are now on Litsy, yay! Now post a book and add followers (I’ll stop bugging you). I just recently reviewed One Last Lie for you on there. I have a lot of followers and I am seriously a nobody! People love authors on there (you have 4 followers already). I have thousands and I’m only a reader! Waiting patiently for your next one!
Thanks so much, Anne. How am I on Litsy? You might’ve told me about it and I joined (I listen to everything you tell me to do!).
I’m going to go back and check it out. I am on the final chapter of my latest. Will write the Epilogue then get to editor.
YOU are on my Advanced Reader Copy list, so you, of course, get first dibs. 🙂
Thank you for posting the review on Litsy. Will check it out as soon as I’m done typing.
I want to immediately open the book and start reading until the end.
Thanks, Jackie!
Thanks, Yamil!
I’m choosing # 3. (with #2 as my second choice).
Thanks, Glenda!
I like #1 Its a little suttle but every fears what is lurking and watching from the wood s
And we I like #2 chaotic but this day and age many minds are this that.
I like both these covers
Good luck pickin
Thanks, Darlene!
Number 3 attracts my attention the most.
Thanks, Linda!
I like #1 but with a couple of changes lol
1) I like the graphic of the book as the main focus but I like the “grabs you by the throat” quote better than the “intense suspense” one
2) I think the word “kindle” should be in its orange color that is part of its actual logo (like you have it in ad #2
Thanks, Mark.
Great recommendations. I will be doing a lot of testing!
1 or 3, don’t like 2 because the book at that angle seems wrong
Thanks, Dee!
I’m going to check that book angle while I’m at it! 🙂
None would make me want to buy. I think you might have used instead:
life – and reality – are forever changed for two loving families
Thanks, Reed.
I’d probably need a different visual for that.
Appreciate the input!
I like #2 the best
Thanks, Oralee!
#3, is give a suggestion of mystery and suspense
#1 is too generic, looks cheap.
#2 is too busy you barely notice actual book
Thanks, JoAnn!
I prefer No. 1 – simple, clear, uncluttered
Thanks, Mel!
Number 1 it’s got that suspense mystery intriguing look about it.. with the slightly misty look with a man hiding behind a rock. What’s he hiding from.
Number 2 very messy cover. Maybe it’s supposed to look like that but I would think if the covers messy what’s the look like. Mo i will by pass on number 2
Number 3 says thug putting the book we’re his face should be it being surrounded by a black hoodie says thuggish doesn’t give me any positive vibes…. So I would by pass on…. NUMBER 1 SAYS EVERYTHING I WANT IT TO SAY SUSPENSE. MYSTERY… INTRIGUING
Thanks so much, Marj!
2 is the most eyecatching
Thanks, Irene!
Thanks, Pasi!
Thanks, Debra!
Number 1 or 3. Great covers
Thanks, Krisk!
I think either 2 or 3!
Thanks, Emily!
Close call between 2 & 3 but end up voting for 2.
Thanks, Susan!
Thanks, Collette!
I like Number 2 the most
Thanks, Billie!
I like 3.
Thanks, Sheri!
Thanks, Madeleine!
Thanks, Mandy!
I LOVE 1…brought back chilling deceptive memories. Like 3. I don’t like 2…it makes the story sound slasher…and it’s not. The word throat is off putting to me. But the hazy effect of 1 and 3 is hauntingly accurate. (My 2 cents!)
Thanks so much, Ruth.
Great feedback from someone who knows the characters so well.
Thanks, Judy!
#2-the lights drew my attention first
Thanks, Shari!
I’ve been hearing that a lot. 🙂
Thanks, Debbie!
Thanks, Carolyn
Thank you!
#3 gets my vote. Top Amazon Reviewer is someone I would believe.
#1 – I don’t like the “Intense Suspense”
#2 – I’m not sure what a “Voice Reviewer” is. I don’t like audiobooks.
Hope this helps.
Thanks, Marj. Definitely helps.
A VINE VOICE reviewer is someone Amazon chooses to read books and review them – meaning they read a LOT.
Definitely ad 2 as this catches the eye more
Thanks, Tina!
Thanks, Laurie!
Thanks, Jackie!
I like ad 3 if that helps.
Thanks, Susan!
Number 2
Thanks, Sheila!
Thanks, Scott!
I like all of them and am torn which to choose. I must say the #3 is the scariest one and since the ad says “Intense Suspense” I’m choosing it.
#1 is clean and classy though.
Thanks, Donna!
I’m torn also, which is why I asked for opinions. 🙂
So subjective.
Torn between #2 and #3 but if I had to pick one it would be #2.
Thanks, Terry!
Number 2.
I like the atmospheric ‘background.
Thanks, Heather!
Thanks, Nancy!
Definitely # 1!,
Thanks, Patricia!
Thanks, Randi!
Thanks, Larry!
Most attracted to number 2
Thanks, John!
I like No1. The visual of the person in the shadow adds to the person in the trees.
There is too much visuals in No2. I was not paying any attention to the book but rather my eyes were looking around the background.
I found No3 to be uninteresting so If I didn’t know you as a really excellent author already I probably wouldn’t bother to explore the book further.
That’s good info to know!
Thanks, Sue.